Friday, April 22, 2011

Wow.. It's been over a year!

Hey it's Marie, I am currently a student at Thunder Mountain. I am still 14, and I hope to be attending the camp here in Juneau again. I loved last year and I miss everyone there. I hope that most of the people that went last year will be there to attend again. I love all my friends and I am still loving my culture. I have seen a lot of the kids that went to the camp at Thunder Mountain and also just around Juneau. I am still friends with most of them but a lot has happend in the past year and a half. I know that this summer's camp will be just as or even more amazing than the last. So again.. I miss you all (:

OH AND... Lono moved back to Hawaii and does not live with or even talk to anyone here. There was a huge fight that happend between his family and him here in J-town.

Love Always,
Marie Helen <3

Friday, June 18, 2010

Last night here at camp 2010

Man, the last night was fun, we had a teen dance and i(marie) was dancing allllllll night I had a lot of fun doing that! Thea said "Everyone should dance cause its the last night with all of us togeather." those words were like, dang.. i'm gonna miss everyone.. all my new friends... the people that i met 12 days ago, but feel like i have known for years! haha this camp has been one of a kind. I love all of you guys!

Marie's Introdution (;

Thursday, June 17, 2010


o kukamaehuamekealohaolono ko'u inoa.

my name is kukamaehuamekealohaolono

ko'u makuakane hanai ko mokupuni oahu a na makuakane.

my father and his father was raised on the island of 'Oahu.

ko'u makuahine ia hanai i loko Hilo ho'i ia makuakane.

my mother and her father was raised in Hilo on the big island.

o 'amakua ko'u i ka mano.

my family god is the shark.

kakou ohana nui ha'awale 'ahupua'a.

our clans was seperated by districts.

apua ke kanaka ka wala au o'ia olelo ame na o'ia akua ho'omana.

all the people had same language and gods.

no clan was better than the other.

I am of the shark family, eyes of the sea and strength of a warrior. My home has always been the islands of Hawai'i, from the land to the sea. I was born in hilo and raised in the mountains, where we hunted for our food. i believe in our four major gods, ku the god of war, lono the god of peace and agriculture, kane the god of life, and kanaloa the god of the ocean. I am made up of two gods war and peace.

i was treated with so much attitude that i thought the whole world was made upon wars and hate but as i grew up i realized that the world had more to offer rather than hating in eachother. I wanted to show more of my peaceful side so wanted to be a paramedic to help others, rather then taking their lives. As i was growing up i had nobody there for me to talk to i kept everything held inside of me, my anger, my happiness, my sadness. i made myself have no emotions, i did not care about anyone but i grew up and took charge of that feelings and now i want to help people who are feeling like that because i been through worst.

Imagine being hundreds of miles away from home and put in a strange place with nobody to turn to, or anybody to trust. Two weeks ago i was in that same position where i was that lonely guy with people pointing me into the right area to go but none in which i could turn and say hey my day was good or i had a rough day. Now i met people and now i have a lot of people to turn to when i need someone to just talk to. Growing up with nobody there and all my anger just building up just waiting to explode was the scary feeling. I never wanted to hurt anybody so i kept to myself and not out there causing trouble.

One of the most amazing things that i learned in this camp was who i truly was, being around people who love their culture as much as i love mines was just a feeling that i can't explain. Not only did i feel a little at home but i felt a little more comfortable with this strange place.

Au Aloha 'Oe i love you as you love me.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Marie's Answers To The Qwestions

I will never know exactly who I am, What I should do, What I should go by, Marie Sarabia or Aan Dux Joon.. But what I do know is that my being Gaanauxteidi is my pride, my well being, my identity. My home, My REAL home is gone, taken by the buildings that we walk in or by. My REAL home is the soil under my feet. Biologically I am connected because the land I walk on, Culturally I am connected by being Raven Woodworm. My future is my path, I hope to be a fluent Tlingit speaker. I am jealous of the children that got to speak Tlingit as their first language and I did not. Yesterday when we
went on the walk at sandy beach, we were surrounded my plants I h ave never seen. Ricky showed us a plant called the japanese knotweed. They will never die, even if you try to pull the roots out. They will NEVER die! Also they can kill salmon that are in the water near them.

This picture is taken by a student, From right to the left: Sacha, Me(Marie), and Devlin

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Berners Bay trip and hiking up Mount Roberts.
Today, June 14,2010,
We are going to Berners Bay on a boat. The last time we went on a boat, we went to Taku inlet. This camp has been awesome. In Canoe math, we are making a canoe with just cardboard and duct tape. Nikita Kelly is going to sit in it and we have to go across twin lakes with it and try to make it as far as possible.
Marie: Two days ago, we hiked up the Mt. Roberts trail and my legs are still sore. When I try to run, my leg cramps up my thigh hurts a lot! We had some problems, Lono had is his breathing problems and I had my heart problems. We will take pictures on the boat. Talk to you people later.

Lono: Sandy Beach, I concluded that the trees there were no older than a hundred years old by observing the surroundings. Looking at the buildings around while observing the trees at the same time gave me a lot of thought. I realized that there were weeds in the concrete and the concrete isn't that old, meaning that the weeds are only a few weeks old and that the trees would be around the same age as the buildings. The cracks on the floors and in the walls were more than a decade old. Now compare what I observed from the buildings to the trees.